Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.

-Araby by James Joyce

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Blog 5

Describe the differences between constructed-response and fixed-response assessments. When would you use each type of assessment in eLearning? Why?

A constructed response is going to allow the teacher to create questions that stimulate the student’s higher level thinking skills whereas a fixed response assessment may only measure basic knowledge. For a constructed response the items may be open for interpretation and may be presented in the form of short answer or long answer essays. In contrast, a fixed response requires only one correct answer.

For eLearning both constructed and fixed assessments are useful. A fixed response assessment serves better as a formative, skills based assessment so the teacher may ascertain where the students are in acquiring terminology or basic skills that require shorter, more distinct answers. A constructed test can be utilized as a pre/post to see how well the student has progressed from the instruction.

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